Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Inexperience Neccessary!

Since the new year, I've had a quote from Mother Theresa rattling around in my head. It's probably one you've heard before:

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

I can't tell you the daily relief this has brought me. As someone whose transition to adulthood was through canvassing and community organizing, and who regularly contemplates the great needs in the world, I am often anxious about how to Do The Great Thing.

How much EASIER it is to do small things with great love - love comes easy! I can write a blog, research fundraising or board development, create a database, make a phone call - not because they are pieces of The Great Thing That Must Be Done (changing the world through art, music and wise thinking) but as small things I can do out of love for art, love of music, of my neighbors, friends and family - or love for my wife or dogs or kitties or fish.

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

On the same note, ISLAND is making lists with names on them. Those names are of people we know, well or not so well, who we think would fit well with ISLAND, as staff members, board members, advisors or partners. If you're not sure if your name is on that list, and would like it to be, let us know. Here's our criteria:

First, we'd prefer to work with people who are smarter, more disciplined and more passionate about what we're doing than we are (and are very humble about it, to boot).

Second, we're looking for people who are, for the most part, without experience. That doesn't mean we're not looking for attorneys, development experts, yoga teachers, accountants, farmers or great teachers - cuz we are. It means, particularly in regards to the folks who are going to be actively working with us, that we want someone who is passionate about [*] and wants to learn how to do it, or do it much better. We're looking for folks who are young, energetic, curious learners who want to grow. And grow, and grow. And if you're both (an experienced accountant who wants to learn how to be a great board member), so much the better.
[*]=organizing projects, fundraising, governing a non-profit, coordinating volunteers, teaching, building, growing food, baking bread, strategic planning, outreach, web design, publishing, GPS, hosting parties, organizing events, and on and on and on...

Third, we want readers and listeners. Ever notice how the funniest person you know is the one least likely to tell a joke to a crowd? That's who we want.

If that's you, let us know. If that's not you, and you still want to work with us, tell us why.

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